Love Light sessions just may be my favorite sessions. There is something about exploring the city for light, stretching the limits of your camera and forcing yourself to get super creative that just turns me on.
And because I've had some questions lately about my Love Light sessions and because I had one this weekend that I am in love with and because I don't mind people COPYING me I want to share the love and give you all the details of a Love Light session from behind the lens.
I had a call from a sweet photographer (Hi Val!) out in Oregon over the weekend that asked if she could talk to me about my Love Light sessions. When I said SURE, her first question was about using my flash. And I think she was a bit shocked when I told her I DO NOT use a flash. EVER.
Not that I am anti-flash. I mean I am. In my own work. But some photographers out there can really rock their flashes and lights and things, it's just not my thing.
Shocking, I know. But I really do. Sometimes I will shoot with my ISO at 1600 in good day light just b/c I can. I'm a rebel.
So I am going to show you some images from this weekend and talk about the WHO WHAT WHERE WHY of it all.
ISO 1250 | f/1.8 | 1/160
This was under a bridge of some sort and when we were walking by I saw that light and said, "go stand under the light and just BE. Do whatever. Talk, hug, cuddle, sit, stand, whatever." And they did. This was our first shot of the night and I love the mood. I love the grain. The color. Etc.
ISO 1250 | f/1.8 | 1/160
On the stairs of a MetroLink Station. I like how the stair lights are illuminating their feet. I like that they are laughing, Susan has a beautiful smile.
ISO 1250 | f/1.8 | 1/160
I don't pose people. Very much at least. I sort of just guide. "Go stand there, maybe lean, Susan look at me and Bill look somewhere else, doesn't matter where, touch, be close..." I love that with a little guidance people can rock it out. And I love that Susan was trying to be serious but just couldn't! Her smile it begging to come out!
ISO 1250 | f/1.8 | 1/160
Sometimes I will keep my camera near my face and as I'm talking to the couple (or family or kid) and they laugh I will shoot. Even without looking through the camera at all. And it may turn out a bit blurry but sometimes you can capture such a natural moment when they think you're done shooting.
ISO 1250 | f/1.8 | 1/160
Val also asked me if I use a tripod and the answer is NOPE. Just me. I always always try to keep my shutter speed at 125 or above b/c I do shoot just hand held all the time. BUT, I think I might take my tripod along on my next Love Light b/c you could really rock out some cool shots with a super low shutter speed and available light. Like THIS ONE:
ISO 1600 | f/4 | 1/10
WOW. Did you see those settings? No human in their RIGHT MIND would shoot hand held at those settings. BUT, I had a good friend of mine along for the session (Hi Trish!) who is a photog in Dallas and I mentioned I would die to have the ENTIRE Arch in the shot but my 50mm could never get it. So with her guidance I popped on my other lens (just the kit lens that came with my 40D... nothing fancy... next investment is a new lens!) and we started messing around. That lens only goes down to a f/4 and with my shutter speed at 125 it was too dark. So Trish suggested we push the envelope a bit more! By the end we were laying on the ground with the camera resting on our legs holding our breath and asking B+S to NOT MOVE A MUSCLE!
I am in LOVE with this shot!
One street light illuminating the couple, the Arch lit up, I love it.
But what I love most is that we totally stretched the camera, our creativity and it was a collaboration. Thanks Trish!
A few more from the Arch grounds I love...
Love Light isn't all about perfect lighting, it's just about LIGHT. Finding light, creating light, finding creative light. This shot is grainy (aren't they all?) and anything but perfect, but I still love it. I love how the giant Arch spotlights are lighting them from behind and underneath a bit. I love that they were just hanging out. I love the way the lights create a line from the bottom where you see the spot lights all the way to the top of the photo where the rays of light take your eye all the way up to their faces. It's not perfect but it's DIFFERENT.
ISO 1600 | f/1.4 | 1/125
I just touched on the EXACT reason I truly love the Love Light sessions. They are DIFFERENT. I read a TON of photographer blogs. I look at a ton of their websites. And so far I have not found one person that does an entire session at NIGHT with NO flash. And as much as I think it's totally ok to copy other artists, ahem, to gain inspiration as you learn your craft, I also think it's important to try to find something that sets you apart. AND if I am totally wrong and there is someone else out there doing this PLEASE LET ME KNOW in a NICE way b/c I would love to see their work!
ISO 1600 | f/1.6 | 1/200
ISO 1600 | f/1.6 | 1/200
ISO 1600 | f/1.6 | 1/160
So the moral of the story? Go play. Play with your camera and break some rules. Play with your clients. At night maybe. Play with light.
Light is a seriously awesome thing. When I am out on any kind of session I am very rarely looking for anything but light. And then once I've found awesome light I will THEN look around for a cool place to shoot. It's truly why I love urban settings above parks b/c the light in and around and between buildings can be so so awesome. With the added bonus of some cool textures and architecture.
If you have any questions I didn't touch on about Love Light sessions please leave them in the comments and I will answer them later today/tonight! And please, FEEL FREE TO COPY! Even all you St. Louis photogs! Even if every single photographer in the country went out tonight and did a Love Light shoot NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM would look the same. And I am confident in my work that even if everyone and their mother is doing Love Lights that people will still hire me for ME. So copy on my friends. If you want to. You don't have to. I'm just sayin you can! HA!
TODAY: Well. Drama over please. Thanks for the support as Nobody Important and Anonymous did manage to choke me up. It's hard people. It's hard to write a blog and love to blog and then know that there is someone, maybe lots of someones, out there hating you. Hating you enough to leave nasty comments. I just pray they move on and find someone they actually like. DOWN WITH DRAMA.
I have sweet Kelsey here this morning with the kids and I am checking off this TODO list one item at a time. Slow and steady wins the race. Laundry is rolling and the floors are so sticky I can't stand to walk on them so a mop will be my buddy during nap time later. We have to hit the grocery store and I'm hoping the rain lets up enough for a walk later. Chris is home at 4:30pm today b/c SOCCER IS OVER (OMG I have been waiting to say that for SO long!) and we're going out to dinner to celebrate!
Today is the day. The day God has given us! Enjoy it!
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