Chris and I hit our fifth anniversary in September and in the last few months I have seen a massive change in our marriage.
I'm not sure if it's b/c five years to share so intimately with another person is long enough to finally truly hit a stride or if the fact that this is the longest I've gone without shocking him at the announcement of another baby has helped or what, but we're doing really good.
Not that we were doing really bad. We bicker and argue and have blow out fights like I think most couples do occasionally, but recently we are finally figuring this whole marriage thing out it seems.
Today. For example.
I am tired. Truly, if there were a photo to sum up how I'm feeling today it would be this:
I want to lean on someone that loves me unconditionally and just be tired. LEAN ON THEM. Like Parker is doing here with my mom.
I had a twin session yesterday morning for Fresh Art (more to come on that HERE), got a sneak peek done during the time I should have eaten lunch, got a last minute sitter so Chris could come with me to my evening session that was an hour away in Illinois (sneak peek coming SOON!) and when we got home at 8:45pm, just as I was about to eat my first real meal of the day, I got a call from NILMDTS to rush to Children's Hospital.
When I got home at 2:45am and FELL into bed after one of the harder sessions I've been a part of I was exhausted.
But I went to sleep knowing that Chris would take care of the kids in the morning and let me sleep. Which he did. He even took the girls out to get a few donuts for us so the house was quiet. He let me shower and get dressed in peace. We had friends stop by at 10:30am (the twin's moms) and we had a great time catching up and chatting with them. And holding the babies. Oh those sweet babies.
I made lunch for the kids while Chris got some computer work done and then he came in and took over so I could go get some work done. He cleaned up the kitchen and got the kids in bed while I worked.
Our day was chugging along fairly seamlessly when my friend called and mentioned all the soccer the boys had this week.
I knew they had soccer 4 mornings this week. I had forgotten (b/c Chris DID give me a schedule a while back) that it was in fact FIVE mornings and TWO nights. Couple that with FOUR sessions for me, a WEDDING, TWO sessions I'm behind on and packing/getting ready to leave for Florida in a week from TODAY and...
I started telling him how much I hate soccer and how little he gets paid and yaddah yaddah yaddah. Same old stupid argument.
Except that two years ago Chris would have gotten defensive and I would have been on a rampage and we would have ended up screaming at each other. And in the end nothing would have been changed or been figured out or worked on.
But today was different. Today, as I went from being angry about soccer to all the things we have to do this week to prepare for Florida to all the things I'm worried about on the trip to all the things I'm worried about in general Chris was able to stop me. Without making me feel stupid or overly emotional or LIKE A HORMONAL WOMAN (working on stopping nursing has sent my hormones into a tailspin recently).
And I was able to calm down enough to stop, look at him and say, "I'm sorry, I am just really really tired I think."
And from that second on I sat there, looking at him, knowing that I had married the man God created for me.
He knew that I was just tired. He knew that I had a crazy busy day yesterday coupled with an extremely late night working that was over-the-top emotional and I was just done. But rather than point out the obvious (which would have just egged my anger in the moment) he listened and stayed calm and helped me see that in fact, the world was not falling down around me, I was JUST TIRED.
It was amazing and just a few years ago today would have ended very differently.
Marriage can be so hard. It is hard getting to know someone so deeply. It's not all candle light and roses. In fact, at least in our life, it is very rarely candle light and roses.
Marriage, for us, is letting the other person sleep in no matter how much you don't want to get up at 5:30am. It's allowing the other person to follow and realize their passion. It's encouraging the other person to follow and realize their passion while overlooking how that directly effects yourself. It's accepting the fact that I don't cook and not making fun of me for it anymore. It's being on the exact same page when it comes to disciplining our children. It's making it to as many soccer games as I can with three kids and a camera in tow during the crabbiest time of day during the busiest time of year for me. It's knowing that when he's quiet he's not mad, just quiet.
It's laughing harder with someone than I've ever laughed before. And doing it on a regular basis.
I rarely talk about our marriage here b/c MARRIAGE IS HARD. And I don't want to only talk about the fun+good times b/c that's not the whole truth. AND my husband is a teacher so I would never rant about the bad times b/c who knows which student might come across my blog.
BUT. I'm talking about it today b/c TODAY I was so grateful that I married Chris. And it made me realize that the first years of marriage might just be the hardest (of course three kids and a million other major stressers don't help those first years) ever. And I want to remember that. I want to remember screaming late at night in the kitchen. WHY? Because it makes me appreciate days like today even more. It makes me take comfort in the fact that someone loves me so completely.
AND I want a record of me saying that THIS IS A JOURNEY for my kids someday. Marriage does not end at the alter, it begins. And it is a LONG ROAD. But it never stops. You just keep truckin along. And I want my kids to know that. TO KNOW THAT. That you don't give up during the bad times b/c right around the corner are the best times of your life.
Bailey, Parker and Grayson... to your future selves... the best decision I ever made was to marry your dad.
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