We have a winner!!!! #7 is the big winner with nearly HALF of the 200+ votes!!! Wow!!! Congrats to you two!!!! You win the proof book of photos from your amazing and beautiful photo shoot!!! (I absolutely love that picture from your love light session!!! Sooooo amazingly beautiful!!!)
I can brag on how wonderful Jodie takes pictures because this isn't Jodie! This is actually Jamie from Inspired Mess a/k/a the "mom" in photo #6. Jodie and family are getting ready to leave for vacation in TWO HOURS!!! She even shot a wedding today. Can you imagine??? Just hearing about all she does makes me need a nap, lol!
This contest was soooo much fun!!! It was fun to read through all the comments. Wonderful family & friends are certainly a blessing! Thank you to EVERYBODY who voted!!! And a big thank you to Jodie who inspires regularly with her neverending generosity and beautiful spirit!!!
Have a wonderful vacation, Jodie & Family!!! Enjoy every moment and get some rest!!! We can't wait to see YOUR family pictures on the beach!
Woah, I think I've exhausted my exclamation point limit! =)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, blog readers!!! (a few more for good measure)
Be Inspired. Create Adventure.
xoxo -j