Can you even spell STRADTNER? Because I consistently have to check her name to make sure I didn't screw up! HA!
Anyway, if you are a photo blog stalker like me I'm sure you've heard of her. Life in Motion Photography. Out of Austin.
You've heard of her b/c not only is she awesome, her blog is awesome and NO OFFENSE to other photogs... well, actually, take offense and then CHANGE IT... but most photographer blogs are BORING.
Yep. I said it.
WRITE PEOPLE! Talk about your lives! Your kids! Your cellulite! ANYTHING!
Let me just take this moment to hop up on my soap box for a second and say that for me to read a blog it has to be GOOD. Like all around good. I don't care about the layout (hence my Typepad blog... that is changing SOON I will add!) but I do care about the photos+words.
You have to be a serious rock star for me to look at your blog if your writing sucks. And there are some BORING photo blogs I look at just for the imagery. But for the most part I am more attracted to the words. So if you are a sucktastic writer I give up and move on fairly quickly. Sorry. But I do.
And to bring that back around to Lyndsay... she has it all. And I love that. Her photos rock AND she writes well. She talks about her kids, her life, her clients, everything. And she takes better snapshots at home of her kids than anyone I know. And THAT makes me jealous! We met in Florida BRIEFLY. Not kidding. I could have sat for days talking to her but we were together maybe an hour b/c she was sick, ALL the kids were crabby, her baby was sick, etc. But in the blogosphere way, I totally felt like I knew her already b/c her blog is that awesome. (check it out HERE)
So anyway, it was literally an honor when she agreed to meet up and trade photo shoots. An honor. And her family couldn't be cuter... seriously... just wait until you see what her son was wearing!
LYNDSAY... I hope you like your sneak peek! More to come soon friend!
The BEST smiles come when you are laughing at your kids! LOVE THAT!
RUNNING out the door this morning! LATE. HATE that. Fresh Art this morning. 2 hours of sleep b/c Grayson has a HIGH fever as his molars struggle through. I HATE leaving a semi-sick kid but I have to work. Mom guilt never goes away. Ever. Does it?
Kim is on her way with a donut, trash bags (b/c we're out and she's awesome for getting me some!) and a MNT DEW. Fountain. THANKS KIM!